... (Object) Node
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title (String, 4 characters ) News
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created (String, 10 characters ) 1696085970
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scheduled (String, 1 characters ) 0
comment (String, 1 characters ) 1
promote (String, 1 characters ) 0
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tnid (String, 1 characters ) 0
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revision_timestamp (String, 1 characters ) 0
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in_preview (NULL)
log (String, 0 characters )
comment_close_override (String, 1 characters ) 0
body (Array, 1 element)
und (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 5 elements)
value (String, 4300 characters ) <p><img alt="" class="bottom object-fit" data-f...
<p><img alt="" class="bottom object-fit" data-file-id="15" height="750" src="/files/inline-images/rainbow.1000.jpg" width="1000" /></p> <h3>Covid News</h3> <p><strong>Useful sources on twitter,the up to the minute source still</strong>;@hughes_eilir (Air Quality and Wise Words, Cymru),@ShelleyMBoulder (buildings/air quality, US),@CorsiIAQ(Dr.Richard Corsi,building environment, US),@chrischirp(Dr.Cristina Pagel,Ind.Sage Epidemiologist, UK), @Orla_Hegarty( Architect,Buildings/Air Quality,Ireland).<br /> <br /> <strong>Facebook</strong>; has proved particularly misleading through the pandemic.Use with care. Bad track record for amplifying right wing and libertarian views, and flogging your data to anyone willing to pay. More data harvester than social service, a nationalised version might be more useful.</p> <h3>News Sources</h3> <p>Ever despaired about the lack of objective news or information in the UK press?<strong> </strong>BBC News continues to be a shadow of it's former self, with flagship programme Newsnight particularly poor. Meanwhile a few other options;</p> <p><strong>Twitter</strong>/<strong>X</strong>.Get it while it lasts. Crumbling but still a big source.<br /> <br /> <strong>Nation.Cymru </strong>a well written,edited and open platform for news and culture from a Welsh perspective, best of generally poor Welsh media <a href="https://nation.cymru/">https://nation.cymru/</a><br /> <br /> <strong>Byline Times</strong> <a href="https://bylinetimes.com/">https://bylinetimes.com/</a> is publishing a monthly newspaper. Liberal but employing more journalists of late as cash allows.<br /> <br /> <strong>LRB</strong> producing fortnightly paper that's a mixture of great analysis,history and analysis and lost with the poetry fairies! <a href="https://www.lrb.co.uk/">https://www.lrb.co.uk/ </a><br /> <br /> <strong>The Guardian</strong>, post their Edward Snowden meltdown, continues to be dubious to misleading. Bigger on shopping than news. Particularly poor Gaza coverage.<br /> <br /> <strong>Wikipedia</strong> still v.good despite Jimmy Whales, the founder.</p> <p><a href="https://www.aljazeera.com/">Al Jazeera</a> has proved the only decent source on Gaza crisis, with high calibre guests and on the spot reporting.<br /> <br /> <strong>Novara Media</strong> probably best of newer lefty online sites with good online discussion and analysis<a href="https://novaramedia.com/"> https://novaramedia.com/</a> Effective Gaza daily summary and longer "downstream" interviews have been very good</p> <p>The <strong><a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/">BBC</a></strong> website certainly still has volume and some good output Eg From Our Own Correspondent. The Food Programme never going to recapture the Derek Cooper days but not bad sometimes.<br /> <br /> <strong>David McWilliams</strong> (<a href="http://www.davidmcwilliams.ie">www.davidmcwilliams.ie</a>) v.good on economics and global perspectives.</p> <p>Up to date articles on all sorts of issues, including peak oil, from a global perspective,<a href="https://countercurrents.org/"> https://countercurrents.org/</a></p> <p><strong>Tim Lang</strong> remains prominent on food security issues,s everal books and twitter output.</p> <p><a href="http://www.chathamhouse.org/">Chatham House</a> panel published <a href="https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Global%20Trends/r0109foodfutures.pdf">summary</a> of work looking at UK Food Supply 2009. Despite their establishment image they don't appear complacent about serious food security and supply issues<br /> <br /> The <strong>Organic Growers Alliance</strong> produces a quality mag for professional growers and a useful forum online (<a href="http://www.organicgrowersalliance.co.uk">www.organicgrowersalliance.co.uk</a>)<br /> <br /> Facebook hosts a<strong> </strong>very informative<strong> UK Market Gardeners group</strong>.Facebook is generally a poor and misleading source of news.</p> <p>Finally, see the weekly newsletter and Guy Watson from<a href="https://wickedleeks.riverford.co.uk/author/guy-singh-watson"> https://wickedleeks.riverford.co.uk/author/guy-singh-watson</a> for horticultural commercial realities and up to date field news</p>
summary (String, 0 characters )
format (String, 13 characters ) filtered_html
safe_value (String, 4174 characters ) <p><img alt="" class="bottom object-fit" data-f...
<p><img alt="" class="bottom object-fit" data-file-id="15" height="750" src="/files/inline-images/rainbow.1000.jpg" width="1000" /></p> <h3>Covid News</h3> <p><strong>Useful sources on twitter,the up to the minute source still</strong>;@hughes_eilir (Air Quality and Wise Words, Cymru),@ShelleyMBoulder (buildings/air quality, US),@CorsiIAQ(Dr.Richard Corsi,building environment, US),@chrischirp(Dr.Cristina Pagel,Ind.Sage Epidemiologist, UK), @Orla_Hegarty( Architect,Buildings/Air Quality,Ireland).</p> <p><strong>Facebook</strong>; has proved particularly misleading through the pandemic.Use with care. Bad track record for amplifying right wing and libertarian views, and flogging your data to anyone willing to pay. More data harvester than social service, a nationalised version might be more useful.</p> <h3>News Sources</h3> <p>Ever despaired about the lack of objective news or information in the UK press?<strong> </strong>BBC News continues to be a shadow of it's former self, with flagship programme Newsnight particularly poor. Meanwhile a few other options;</p> <p><strong>Twitter</strong>/<strong>X</strong>.Get it while it lasts. Crumbling but still a big source.</p> <p><strong>Nation.Cymru </strong>a well written,edited and open platform for news and culture from a Welsh perspective, best of generally poor Welsh media <a href="https://nation.cymru/">https://nation.cymru/</a></p> <p><strong>Byline Times</strong> <a href="https://bylinetimes.com/">https://bylinetimes.com/</a> is publishing a monthly newspaper. Liberal but employing more journalists of late as cash allows.</p> <p><strong>LRB</strong> producing fortnightly paper that's a mixture of great analysis,history and analysis and lost with the poetry fairies! <a href="https://www.lrb.co.uk/">https://www.lrb.co.uk/ </a></p> <p><strong>The Guardian</strong>, post their Edward Snowden meltdown, continues to be dubious to misleading. Bigger on shopping than news. Particularly poor Gaza coverage.</p> <p><strong>Wikipedia</strong> still v.good despite Jimmy Whales, the founder.</p> <p><a href="https://www.aljazeera.com/">Al Jazeera</a> has proved the only decent source on Gaza crisis, with high calibre guests and on the spot reporting.</p> <p><strong>Novara Media</strong> probably best of newer lefty online sites with good online discussion and analysis<a href="https://novaramedia.com/"> https://novaramedia.com/</a> Effective Gaza daily summary and longer "downstream" interviews have been very good</p> <p>The <strong><a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/">BBC</a></strong> website certainly still has volume and some good output Eg From Our Own Correspondent. The Food Programme never going to recapture the Derek Cooper days but not bad sometimes.</p> <p><strong>David McWilliams</strong> (<a href="http://www.davidmcwilliams.ie">www.davidmcwilliams.ie</a>) v.good on economics and global perspectives.</p> <p>Up to date articles on all sorts of issues, including peak oil, from a global perspective,<a href="https://countercurrents.org/"> https://countercurrents.org/</a></p> <p><strong>Tim Lang</strong> remains prominent on food security issues,s everal books and twitter output.</p> <p><a href="http://www.chathamhouse.org/">Chatham House</a> panel published <a href="https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/files/chathamhouse/public/Research/Global%20Trends/r0109foodfutures.pdf">summary</a> of work looking at UK Food Supply 2009. Despite their establishment image they don't appear complacent about serious food security and supply issues</p> <p>The <strong>Organic Growers Alliance</strong> produces a quality mag for professional growers and a useful forum online (<a href="http://www.organicgrowersalliance.co.uk">www.organicgrowersalliance.co.uk</a>)</p> <p>Facebook hosts a<strong> </strong>very informative<strong> UK Market Gardeners group</strong>.Facebook is generally a poor and misleading source of news.</p> <p>Finally, see the weekly newsletter and Guy Watson from<a href="https://wickedleeks.riverford.co.uk/author/guy-singh-watson"> https://wickedleeks.riverford.co.uk/author/guy-singh-watson</a> for horticultural commercial realities and up to date field news</p>
safe_summary (String, 0 characters )
path (Array, 5 elements)
cid (String, 1 characters ) 0
last_comment_timestamp (String, 10 characters ) 1696085983
last_comment_name (NULL)
last_comment_uid (String, 1 characters ) 1
comment_count (String, 1 characters ) 0
name (String, 6 characters ) system | (Callback) system();
picture (String, 1 characters ) 0
data (String, 24 characters ) a:1:{s:7:"contact";i:1;}
Krumo version 0.2.1a
| http://krumo.sourceforge.net/var/www/vhosts/glebelandsmarketgarden.co.uk/httpdocs/core/modules/system/system.module
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